Reading Time: 6 minutes

Disclaimer: This blog post is part of a brand collaboration with Edge Naturale. The product mentioned in this post was gifted to me. All opinions are my own.

Dose of Prose

What a year 2020 has been! Although there are still a lot of unknowns as to what 2021 will look like, the saying of hindsight is 2020 reigns true. This year has brought a lot of deeply buried, swept under the rug, underlying issues to light and for me personally, has taught me a lot about myself. During this time, especially on social media, there is a surge of reflection and goal setting. As a millennial, I often observe this emphasis of ‘hustle culture’ online, where there is this overwhelming push to always be busy, going, growing, doing…while on the opposite end of the spectrum, I see this huge emphasis on self-care, only achieved by having this aesthetically pleasing, (unrealistic and un-relatable) luxurious vacation trip or home environment. I believe it’s called ‘toxic positivity?’ Gen Z has a term for everything these days…Anyway, all of it is, in my opinion, extreme, which is why so many in my age group feel constantly anxious, stressed, depressed and behind on life. Today, I want to take a step back and give you a balanced approach and outlook on healthy living. Last year I wrote a blog post about ways to boost your quality of life, which I suggest you look at before I dive into today’s discussion. In this post I’m giving you some tips, insights, reminders, remedies and mentalities to keep with you as you navigate your journey, no matter where you are.

Monitor and Manage Stress Levels

We all get stressed. Some more than others, but regardless, it happens to everybody. What’s important to realize, is how stress impacts you physically, mentally and emotionally and what you can do to properly manage it. Stress manifest itself in many ways, and for me, I can definitely see and feel my body react to stress. I get stomach aches, acne, dry scalp…let’s just say, it’s not pretty. Did you know that at least 20% of people in the US start losing their hair before the age of 30? In fact, the most common hair problems that women face today are hair loss, dry scalp, split ends and frizz. If you have experienced any of this due to stress, postpartum depression, Alopecia or other health issues, I know of a product that can help. Introducing today’s sponsor, Edge Naturale. For those of you who have been following me for a while, that name may sound familiar and that’s because this is my second time collaborating with this amazing brand! In case you missed it, I wrote a post with some natural hair growth hacks featuring this great product. Check it out if you haven’t already!

I was thrilled when presented with the opportunity to work with the Edge Naturale team again and did not hesitate to say yes. Edge Naturale is a follicle enhancer cream that helps your edges to look fuller. All you do is apply the product 1-2x daily to your hairline. I like this cream because it makes your hair soft and more manageable around the edges (my fellow type 4 hair ladies know the struggle). The cream dries quickly and only takes a small amount to see and feel results. The product is lightweight with a light peppermint fragrance, not too overpowering. It doesn’t make my hair feel greasy either. My edges are silky and smooth after using this product. In addition to the functionality and quality of Edge Naturale, I also must speak highly of their customer service. There was a short turnaround time with each step of the delivery process. I immediately received my confirmation number, tracking information and my package arrived quickly (in 3 days)! The Edge Naturale team is so positive, supportive and personable overall. My pleasant interactions with this brand is what would easily motivate and encourage me to accept future collaborations with them.

As I said before, we all experience and react to stress differently. But in order to live a more balanced lifestyle, it’s imperative to take note of what triggers your stress and start taking actionable steps to help you keep it under control. For more stress management tips and tricks, check out my turning stress into success blog post here.

Naturally Boost Serotonin

Serotonin is a key hormone that impacts your entire body, as it stabilizes your mood, feelings of well-being and happiness. I saw a video of a blogger discussing how she used acts novelty to boost her serotonin levels, for example, trying a new coffee drink at her go-to local coffee shop. This resonated with me, as I love to take walks in the morning to my favorite coffee shop. I always order the same thing, but during the holidays I decided to switch up my order and I didn’t realize how much of a mood booster it was for me. I say all this to say…it’s important (even therapeutic) to form habits and develop a routine, but in doing that, it’s easy to get lost in the mundane and feel like you’re a hamster on a wheel, living the same day over and over again. Don’t be afraid to try new things. I’ve mentioned some of these in my working from home blog post, but the same applies here. Eat balanced, nutritious, immune boosting meals, go out in nature, get dressed, and sleep. These all seem basic and obvious but trust me, during a pandemic, sometimes blinking your eyes feels like a chore. If you want to maintain a balanced lifestyle, you have to find ways to naturally grow your serotonin levels, and I believe that these simple acts are the way to do it.

Realistic Reminders

Whether you believe in New Year resolutions or not, I encourage you to think about what you want to accomplish in general and how you can start that today, right now, here, in this moment. What can you do to move you forward to where you want to be? In 2021, one thing I want to do more is read (for fun). I used to do it all the time but with so much required, dense reading for school and work, I’ve felt myself drifting away from reading for pleasure. What I can do today to read more in 2021 is to make a list of books I want to read. I could even sign up for a book club to hold me accountable. I can keep my kindle on my bedside table to encourage me to read right before bed and right when waking up (even if it’s just for 5 minutes). You see what I did there? That, to me, is the reality of goal setting. Sure you can talk about what you want to do in life, dream big and all that jazz…but the truth is, if you don’t have the discipline, motivation, or patience to take the steps toward that goal, you’re not going to get very far. Healing happens from the inside out. You don’t have to start off 2021 full speed ahead. Actually, that’s probably a terrible idea. If you sprint too hard without enough hydration and preparation, you’ll burn out and lose the race. Just ease into it and meet yourself where you are. It all starts and ends with you.

Thank you again to Edge Naturale for partnering with me on this post. Check out their Instagram and website. They post insightful information about natural hair health that you may find useful, and of course you should give their follicle enhancer a try too. What did you learn about yourself in 2020? How do you plan to improve your quality of life in 2021? Think about it, leave a comment and let me know! Even if you just think about it, guess what, you already spoke it into existence. Consider it done. I’m proud of you. Happy New Year everyone!